Saturday, February 7, 2009

O Say Can You See

It's been a quite week at TeamSouthDakota. I had a Birthday, Paulette and Lisa picked up their new bikes, and Floppy's getting ready to go to Iraq.

This whole mess is sort of Floppy's fault.

It started in 2002 (cue flashback music). In 2002 I won the over 40 24 Hour Mountain Bike World Championship. Cool. So in 2003 I decied to do a Lance and only do one race, Worlds. It didn't go good. When I got home I was pretty depressedand didn't want anything to do with a bike. So I started running a little. One day I went with Skippy who was getting a new Mac. Floppy was there and knew me from races. Me I don't remember anybody, but took His word for it. He suggested that I come and run Wednesdays with the Runers Club,I did, it was fun, Paulette started running a bit, then we started trail running, and we ran the Centennial every Spring, and the Paulette did an Adventure race or two, and time passed and Primal Quest came to town.

Now Floppy is going to Iraq for a year,and We will miss Him. He's been helping with Nav and map reading. It's not hard to till that He's been teaching for like 50 years. He has also set up our website and showed me how to work it. Worst of all He set Me on the path to the Dark Side,my name is Randy and I am a Mac user.

So it sucks that He won't be here to help with training and the race. But We will be thinking about him (and Skyping) and a year will pass fast and He will be home and I'll have to give back one of my Macs. But that will be OK.


Thanks for reading
Now go play in the sandbox

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